Sunday, June 27, 2010

Week in Pictures


Daddy and Jacen grocery shopping.
He was interested in the cup holder and everything around him.

He loves to play with the blinds and look outside.

Daddy let him play with his gift card from Father's Day.

Sitting on Bubba's couch.

Giving the bunny "sugars".


Tummy Time

Daddy and Nathan time

Nathan holding his rattle!!!!! Thanks Bev :)

Sleepy after his bottle.

Smiling in the bouncy seat.

Bumbo Time
Turning to see Bubba.


Gotta love the facial expressions when we are trying to take a picture.

Eating avocados, blueberries, and chicken/cheese quesadillas. Yummy! He is a great eater.

Nathan trying oat cereal. He wasn't too sure.

Jacen giving Daddy his card :)

Brothers :)

We took 2 stroller rides this week. Patches goes with us. I was trying to get a picture of all 3 boys, but Patches wanted the water instead. Jacen was watching Patches, and Nathan fell asleep.

Nathan slept in his stroller until his next bottle. Why is it that he will sleep almost anywhere during the day but only on me in the recliner at night :(

We took the wagon out for the first time this weekend. Nathan was calm, and Jacen enjoyed looking around.


Jacen loves Nathan
I looked over and he was giving Bubba "sugars", so I asked him to do it again for a picture. So sweet :)

I was taking pictures of the boys' room this week because I realized I hadn't done that yet. Oops! This poem came from Linda, my coworker at Wilson. I enjoy reading it over and over, so I wanted to share with all of our friends that read our blog. If you click on the picture it should get bigger if you want to read it.


Davis Family said...

Sweet sweet boys!

Sherita said...

Can't believe how the boys are growing!!! They are so precious. I love the "sugars" pics. Thanks for continuing to let us be a part of your lives. Love you.