Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thanks for the Prayers

Nathan is doing much better.  His breathing is less labored, his swelling has gone down and his blood work is starting to move back toward "his normal".  However, only time will tell the lasting effects of this.  His fragile body has been through a lot this past month and it's likely that it has taken a toll on his already damaged kidneys.  Thank you SO much for the continued prayers!  Our family is so very blessed!!
I finally convinced Jacen that he could slide down the slide by himself!!!!
Nathan was sitting in the high chair while I did something in the kitchen
and was so tired he fell asleep.
Jacen enjoying a chocolate chip cookie bar :)

Nathan and I
We had some shingles fall off our roof :(  
Jacen decided that driving the cars on them was fun!!!  It did make a pretty cool noise :)
Nathan sitting in his chair while Jacen and I played outside :)

Nathan was screaming, so Jacen got one of Nathan's bottles (with no lid) out of the cabinet to give to him.  It was precious!!!

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