Saturday, February 20, 2010

Nathan had a neurologist appointment on Wednesday to see if the eye twitching was seizures or not since they weren't getting better even with a good phenobarbital level. Dr. Brown doesn't think they are seizures, but the only way to be sure was to do an EEG. We had one planned in March, but with our insurance situation, we moved it up. The opening they had before March 1st was Friday. So I took Nathan to his EEG. The first half was good, but then the technician wanted me to wake him up from his nap that he was taking the first half. I don't think she really realized how much Nathan doesn't like to be woken up. Hopefully they have enough usable footage. We won't know results until next week. ECI was here this week along with some friends from my work and church. I didn't seem to remember to take many pictures this week. I think this will be the shortest post that I have ever done.

This coming week will be busy as well so please pray for us. Nathan and I will both be going to the chiropractor. He has his nephrologist appointment on Thursday, so pray for good weather and no problems at the airport. We have ECI again this week as well as an allergy appointment for me. We will also be starting more of our duties back for Cradle Roll at church. We hope to be able to take both boys to church for the first time in March.

Nathan ready to leave for his neurologist appointment. Doesn't he look cute in a cap.

Jacen finally noticed the mirror on the exersaucer.

Jacen also figured out this week that there is another place on the Silly Town toy that makes noise.

Jacen also discovered boxes in the floor of their room that I was using to pack up clothes that are too small. He thought the boxes were more interesting than the toy I was trying to get him to play with.

Crazy Momma that I am, I decided to see what Jacen would do if I put Nathan in his lap.


The Bozemans said...

Sweet pictures Stephanie!!!! I think the one of Jacen holding Nathan is sooooo precious!!!!

Davis Family said...

I love him in his hat...and the last one of sweet!

Anonymous said...

Nathan has the prettiest eyes and eyelashes. Both boys are just precious! Still praying for all of you!

Joetta and Eddy Gallardo