Monday, November 25, 2019

November 2019 Part 1 - UIL Chess, 4th and 5th grade Music Performance and More!

11-2-19 Playing XBox and putting circuits together!
11-5-19 4th and 5th Grade Music Performance!!  Jacen's class, Jacen, and the kids performing (Jacen is on the back row at the far left).
Speaking part!
11-6-19 Lubbock Symphony Orchestra field trip!
Then that evening Jacen built more circuits!
11-7-19 Social Studies group work, Math group work and stories that Jacen wrote in Mrs. LaQuey's class!
11-8-19 Jacen reading to the class!  And math group work!   Jacen's artwork on my whiteboard! And ending the evening with Pokemon Go with Mommy!
11-9-19 Another Tech game with friends!  Jacen is so patient and kind to the little kids!!!
Then it was family Pokemon Go time after the game!!
11-11-19 UIL Day!  Jacen participated in 5th Grade Chess Puzzles.  He got 4th place out of all of the Frenship and Lubbock Cooper Elementary Schools!  We are so proud of him.  We celebrated by going to have pizza and ice cream!!!
11-14-19 Social Studies!

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