Saturday, March 16, 2019

February 2019 Part 2 - Regional Science Fair, Battle of the Books and More!

2-16-19  Kyle's cousins Rowdy and Laki and their families came through Lubbock on the way home from Colorado.  So we met them at Rosa's to eat dinner and visit!  The kids were fascinated by the tortilla maker!
Urban Dessert works stop!!!
2-21-19  Jacen and two other students from Bennett participated in the South Plains Regional Science Fair at Texas Tech!  Jacen received a Blue Ribbon, Medal, and SPRSEF Certificate of Excellence Award!
2-22-19 Jacen participated in Battle of the Books at School!  Their team placed 2nd out of the 5 4th grade teams!   Jacen was one of only two students in 4th grade who read all of the 10 books!  We are proud of him!!!!
2-23-19 Legos and Family Game Night!
2-24-19 Daddy and Jacen Lego time!!!  Then that evening we went to Small Group where Jacen played very nicely with the little kids :)

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