4-1-17 Both boys played outside this afternoon. Then we made little pizzas and had movie night!!! Right before bed the boys got in some play time with cars!!
4-2-17 More playing with cars!
4-4-17 Dress up and pretend play outside!!!
4-5-17 Outside play time before church!
4-7-17 Fake an Injury day for AR Reward Day!! He "hurt" his knee and wrist!! That evening it was Jacen and Mommy night while our foster son was at Foster Parent Night Out at church!!! We had pizza from Brick Oven, donuts for dessert (silly boy!), and then puzzle time!!!
4-8-17 The boys had fun playing XBox and outside today!
4-9-17 The boys had fun again today outside and we finally finished that puzzle!
4-11-17 Jacen, his friend Kellyanna, and our foster son played Legos in my room after school!
4-13-17 This morning was Muffins with Moms at school, but we avoided the crowd and got Donuts instead!!! That afternoon we took a family walk and fed the horses in the neighborhood!
5 years ago
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