Tuesday, July 8, 2014

HEB Church Camp

June 29-July 3, 2014 - My friend Laura invited Jacen and I to go to church camp with their youth group.  Her husband is the youth minister at a church in Littlefield.  They go to church came at HEB near Leakey, Texas which is where Kyle and I went on college retreats with the Christian Campus Center at Angelo State University in San Angelo, TX.  I absolutely loved HEB when we went in college, so I was so excited when it worked out for Jacen and I to go.
Jacen loved splashing in the water, but not really getting in!!!
Jeff and Leah took him for a canoe ride :)
Playing ball with Cody one of the youth
This was during personal devotional time.  Jacen and I sat by the river looking at what God had created.  The rest of those times, we spent reading his Children's Bible.
Laura brought all sorts of things to play with!!
"Swimming" at Blue Hole - He didn't really want to go in.  We walked all the way to a shallow part, across a big log, and to the other side.  I then told him we weren't walking all the way back around, so he had to get across the river somehow.  Maggie convinced him to ride the seahorse noodle across!
Jacen and Jessica spent some Nook time too while Laura, Leah, and I prepped or served food.
"Swimming again"  - He preferred to splash people and squirt people with water using the noodle :)
Two of the teenagers (Bradley and Rody) took Jacen on another canoe ride and even let him row!!!
They had fun sports tournaments in the evenings.  Jacen wanted to watch :)
Or maybe entertain the youth by being silly :)
We took a short hike with Laura one day when the youth were taking a long hike to Devil's Bathtub :)
Laura, Jessica, Jacen, and I went swimming and canoeing :)
The youth playing capture the flag in the dark with glow sticks, so Laura got Jacen and Jessica glow sticks too!
Laura, Jessica, Jacen and Mommy

Jacen sitting with Gus, Hannah, and Justin right before we left camp :)
Group Pic

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