Friday, July 12, 2013

4th of July 2013

We spent most of the day relaxing at our house.  That evening we went over to a get together at Matt and Karlie's house with the Days and Tungates.  It was a fabulous evening!!  Matt and Karlie were fabulous hosts!!!  Karlie even got bubbles, balloons and sidewalk chalk for the kids!
Jacen and Ella :)
Branson loved the camera and liked to shoot the balloons at the camera :)
Ella wanted me to take a pic of her and the dog :)
Balloon fight!!!
Having fun with Mustaches :)
Jacen, Ella, Branson, and Ally :)
The girls! (Karlie, Lisa, Carrie, and Me)
Straws :)
Balloons :)

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