Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Patches, Chair, Dentist, Outside, Horses, and Family

Another week of taking lots of pictures and having a really hard time narrowing it down.

Jacen is officially walking!!!!

The doctors have now eliminated one of Nathan's medications. His liver enzymes are in the normal range, so he no longer has to take Actigall.

Jacen loves to try to play with Patches, but as soon as Patches grabs the rope to play tug Jacen lets go and starts giggling :)

Daddy bought Jacen his own chair. He wanted Scout to sit with him :)

 First Dentist Visit

We took the boys to the dentist, Dr. Johnson, for the first time last Monday. We got to see his wife Julie, who is a member of the Palliative Care team at Covenant, while we were there. She and that team are very special people to us. The boys got their teeth checked, fluoride, and stickers!!! Nathan wasn't bothered by any of it, but Jacen was NOT happy!!!!

Jacen continues to love to play outside. He now ventures into the grass by pushing his four wheeler to where he wants to go. Although now that he decided to finally start walking, I am sure there will be more pictures to come of him playing in the grass without pushing toys!!!

This day he wanted to get to the other gate. He then explored the windows to his bedroom, and the water hose.

We took another stroller ride and saw the horses again!!!!

Jacen's favorite place to be in the house!!!! We are going to have to figure out how to keep him off!

He had blueberry pancakes for the first time this weekend! Daddy even made him a Mickey Mouse shaped one. I think he liked them :)

Grandma and Aunt Sam came this weekend to visit. This is the only picture I remembered to take. Ugh. Oh well. While they were here, Kyle and I got to go out to lunch just the two of us. Yay!!!!

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