Sunday, October 10, 2010

Busy Week!!!!!

Jacen and I ran errands and had play dates on Wednesday and Friday morning. We went to a park with Elizabeth, Avery, and Briley on Wednesday. On Friday, we went to the Luft's house to play. Kyle has started coming home on the way to church on Wednesdays to get Jacen, so he can go too.

We had Nathan's two chiropractor visits and ECI. Nathan also had his eye appointment on Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Cockings did confirm what we had suspected, that Nathan is blind.

Today we went to the Pumpkin Patch. We tried and tried to take family pics, but Jacen was not too sure about the corn stalks. Nathan just got really mad. We did get a few of Jacen and the big pumpkins. We will hopefully try again soon!!!!

We took a few stroller rides this week when it was still cold in the mornings!!!
The boys were all bundled up!

Jacen climbing!

Jacen looking so grown up and ready to go to church!

Nathan can still MOVE when he gets mad!!!

Laura and Holly came to visit on Thursday.  Nathan got really comfortable and fell asleep!

Doesn't he look so handsome in clothes!


Our fearless climber!

I love his face :)

Jacen at the Pumpkin Patch

Jacen decided to drum on the pumpkin. Gotcha see what it sounds like!!!!

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