Sunday, December 6, 2009

Snow, Patches, Christmas Tree, and Peas

It snowed in Lubbock on December 1st. Here are some pictures around our house and one at Tech. I decided not to get the boys out in their first snow.

Jacen has become very interested in Patches lately. He loves to try to touch him, smile at him, and get his attention. Nathan is still Patches favorite. He is very protective of Nathan.

Christmas Tree
Laura came over to help me get the tree up. She of course spent time with the boys as well! We have not put our tree up since we got Patches. He wasn't as curious as I thought he would be about the tree. We only got one picture before he was interested in something else.

This week we are eating peas. He still doesn't like the green beans from last week. I got a few pictures tonight, but it was interesting trying to feed and take pictures. Kyle was at church watching/listening to Legacy. These pictures don't show it but he even smiled during the peas which is a lot better first reaction than last week with the green beans.

1 comment:

PrEsToNs said...

good pics!! good job for doing the greens!! those lil guys are precious!!