Tuesday, December 29, 2020

November 2020 - Part 2 - Legos, Game time, Thanksgiving and more!

11-23-20 Looking at Jupiter and Saturn
11-24-20 Mommy and Jacen time playing Life, putting together the new Lego piece for the Lego Christmas village, playing video games while talking to his friend Miles on the phone, more Lego building, looking at Jupiter and Saturn, more Lego building, and then putting the final piece in the village!
11-25-20 Decorating Thanksgiving cookies from a cookie kit from The Cakery!!!  Playing with the Lego village!  Dessert prep for Thanksgiving.  Jacen playing and talking to his friend again!!  Jacen and Mommy did a Thanksgiving scavenger hunt!  Desserts that Daddy ordered for us!
12-26-20 We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!!!  Yummy Thanksgiving meal as a family!  Then we played a family Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt that had us do activities with each clue like pin the feather on the turkey, write a note to someone, make an ABC list of things we are thankful for, and pictionary.  It was lots of fun!  Then family game time playing Sorry, Otrio, and Pandemic!
Jacen was way off :) 
Mommy got it!!
Daddy found it too!
11-27-20 Charlie Brown Thanksgiving!!! Family game time playing Catan! Mommy Jacen night putting together a Tinker Crate from KiwiCo!!!  Then we played Otrio!
11-28-20 We had to finish our game of Catan that we didn't finish the day before!  Family Movie night! Putting Nathan's ornament on the tree!
11-29-20 Family game time playing Life! Pics in front of our house!!!  For the first time ever we had Christmas lights put up!!!

Monday, December 28, 2020

November 2020 - Part 1 - Grandpa came to visit, Games, and Christmas decorating!

11-7-20 Grandpa came to visit!!  He and Jacen were looking at Daddy's scrapbooks.
11-8-20 Enjoying another Yum Box this one was from Italy!
11-12-20 Evening walk!
11-13-20 Mommy Jacen game night playing Headbands, Minion Trouble, Let's Go Fishing, Guess Who, and Eye Found It!!!
11-14-20 Family game time playing Guess Who and Life!
11-15-20 Mommy decided to try to get her Pace time below 9:15!!!!
11-16-20 Jacen drawing!
11-20-20 Mommy Jacen game night playing Life, Minion Trouble, Dominos, and Phase 10!!!
11-21-20 I had a crazy idea to try to beat last week's time :)   Family game time playing Life and Phase 10!
11-22-20 Kyle bought me some hot chocolate bombs!!! They were yummy!
11-23-20 Jacen and Justice :)  Mommy and Jacen decorated for Christmas!!!  
His ornament for this year was a Disney cruise ship since we went on a cruise last year :) 
He enjoyed putting out the Lego train and village!! Justice likes to bark at and chase the train!
Jacen and his bedroom decorations!
He loves putting his nutcrackers all over the living room!