Monday, December 25, 2017

November 2017 Part 5 and December 2017 Part 1 - Hospice of Lubbock Light Up a Life Tree Lighting Ceremony, Science Fair, Star Wars Lego Advent Calendar and More!

11-29-17  Hospice of Lubbock Light Up a Life Tree Lighting Ceremony.  They asked Kyle to speak about Nathan this year, so we all went to the event.  Kyle did a great job honoring Nathan and speaking highly of Hospice.  These people will always hold a special place in our hearts!
11-30-17 Jacen in front of his Science Fair project that he received a 1st place ribbon for!
12-1-17 Daddy got Jacen another Star Wars Advent calendar this year!  That evening Jacen went to Emerson's house for a sleepover for Emerson's birthday!  The boys had fun having Nerf gun wars!
12-2-17 After picking Jacen up from Emerson's sleepover where he still had pajamas on and didn't want to change, we had some errands to run, so we stopped at Brick Oven pizza for lunch!  Then that afternoon we went on a Pokewalk in our neighborhood where Jacen chased the geese!  Next, it was time to go back home and open the next advent Lego.  Then that evening went to Frenship High School's performance of Cinderella! It was fabulous.  Before the performance there was a cookie decorating, story telling, and craft making time for kids!
12-3-17 Jacen posing in the Christmas photo area at church!
12-4-17 Jacen and I went to Dunkin' Donuts/Baskin Robbins for dessert after piano!!!
12-5-17 Jacen posing for pictures at Double Daves.  If the students sold 20 items or more on the school fundraiser they got to ride in a limo to eat.  These photos were courtesy of a coworker.
12-6-17 Jacen got a huge Nerf gun from Daddy for getting all As on his 2nd six weeks report card!
12-7-17 I attended a play performed at Heritage Middle School.  I was invited by one of my former students Bobby.  It was a cute show!
12-8-17 Pizza, ice cream, and game night!!!!  Jacen also opened his Advent Lego before going to bed.
12-9-17 We had to continue our Star Wars Monopoly game the next day!  Then that evening we attended the Madrigal Dinner performed by Frenship High School!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

November 2017 Part 4 - Thanksgiving, Christmas decorating, and a Science Fair experiment

11-22 Jacen helped me make the cream cheese poundcake for Thanksgiving!
11-23 We had cereal and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade where Jacen took some pictures!  Then we made and had a yummy lunch!  The rest of the day we relaxed and played some games and watched Marvel movies!
11-24-17 Jacen and I decorated for Christmas!  Jacen put on all of his ornaments that he has gotten over the years!  We all put up the village and other decorations in the living room.  Then we moved to Jacen's room to decorate his tree and put up his decorations!  After we finished decorating, we played the game of Life!
The section of the tree where I put all of Nathan's ornaments.
11-25-17 Jacen worked on his Science Fair project today!  We tested to see if he could made a battery with coins and if more coins would increase the voltage and it did!