Sunday, May 22, 2016

May Pics - Part 1 - Walks, Teacher Appreciation Week, Captain America Civil War, Comic Book Day and more!!!!

5-1-16  Playing with a stick on our walk :)
5-2-16 One of my many teacher gifts during Teacher Appreciation Week!  I am so blessed by wonderful parents and students!!!!
5-3-16 A sweet note from a student during Teacher Appreciation Week!
5-3-16 We don't just take walks anymore, we had to do something else too!  Bubbles!!!  LOL :)
And of course we have to stop to see the horses!
5-7-16 Captain America Civil War!!!
5-7-16 Free Comic Book Day at Star Comics!!  They had all sorts of Superheroes out front!!!
5-7-16 Pie Bar for Mommy as an early Mother's Day dessert!
5-8-16 Mother's Day!!!  Jacen made lots of gifts for me at school as well as went with Daddy to pick out a Woodhouse Day spa giftcard and Harry Potter Pops for my classroom!
Then we had yummy Canes for lunch!
5-10-16 Jacen met his AR goal!!!!  
5-12-16 Another walk and we stopped to see the horses!!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

April Pics Part 3 - Autism Walk, Walks, Justice's trip to the Vet, the park, Jacen's school birthday, and more!

4/24/16  Autism Walk wearing our Frenship Team shirts!!! - we did more playing and visiting than walking :)  Jacen had lots of fun especially with his friends Emie and Will!
Kyle with his favorite friend from church Joy!!!
Monterey team pic!!!
4/24/16 Our evening walk since we didn't actually walk at the Autism Walk, petting horses, and then swinging!
4/25/16 Daddy and Jacen took Justice to the vet for his regular check up and shots!
4/25/16 Justice, Jacen, and Mommy playing at the park while the bug man sprayed our house!
4/25/16 Evening walk, but Justice was tired from the vet and the park so Jacen carried him :)
4/27/16 While waiting for our food at Steak n Shake Jacen made his car :)
4/29/16 We celebrated Jacen's class birthday early because his real birthday is after school is out!!  He got to have the birthday bear for the day, he got to eat at the birthday table in the cafeteria with a friend, and Daddy brought the class Bahama Bucks for snack!!
Jacen and his teacher Mrs. Dulin
4/30/16 Jacen playing Disney Infinity while Mommy and Daddy cleaned out closets!
4/30/16 Evening walk - yes he is in his pajamas (all day long!)