Sunday, November 11, 2018

September 2018 - Harry Potter Marathon weekend, Texas Tech football, FMS and FHS sports, and more!!!

9-1-18 to 9-3-18 Harry Potter Movie Marathon Weekend!!!!
9-8-18 Texas Tech game at a friends house.  The kids had fun on the trampoline!
The Stanley's stopped by the house while they were in town for the weekend!
9-18-18 Watching former Bennett kids play football and cheer at the FMS 8th grade football game!!!  So sweet of them to invite me!
9-21-18 Addie invited me to watch her play volleyball!  I also got to see some former students cheering and of course girls playing volleyball too!
Addie and Presley!!!
9-22-18 The House with a Clock in its Walls Movie Party!!!
9-22-18 Pokemon Go event!!!
Then to our friends house for the Tech game!!!
9-25-18 Pokemon walk with Daddy in downtown Lubbock, dinner, and playing in his office afterwards!
9-29-18 Friends house for the Tech game again!!!
9-29-18 Playing Legos!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

August 2018 - Part 2 - Beginning of the School Year Pics!

8-8-18  Bennett 5th Grade Team at Convocation!!!
8-9-18 5th Grade team on the faculty Photograph Scavenger Hunt!!!
8-16-18 Meet the Teacher Night!!!
Mrs. Fitzgerald - Jacen's homeroom, Math, Science, and Social Studies teacher!!!
Mrs. Drury - his Reading teacher!
Mrs Ruiz - his Writing teacher!
8-17-18 End of the Summer Wolfforth Library party!
8-18-18 Lost another tooth!
8-20-18 First Day of School Pics! 4th Grade!
8-23-18  Jacen was one of the news anchors on the announcements.  He choose to wear a Star Wars mask so you can't see his face!
8-24-18 Mommy and Jacen night playing and building Legos!
8-25-18 Football draft party - the kids playing!
8-27-18 News crew at school waiting to in to the news station!
8-31-18 Mommy and Jacen night building Legos!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

August 2018 Part 1 - Friends, Mommy Jacen time, and more!

8-1-18 End of Summer Bash at church!  Jacen was playing with Isaac!
8-2-18 Mommy and Jacen time at Crave having S'mores!  Then it was time to play with cars!
8-3-18 Jacen invited Kellyanna to go with us to the Windmill Museum.  We had never been!
You have to look really close to see Jacen in the middle of this pic!
Then it was time for Mommy and Jacen night where we built marble tracks, ate at Picosos, and wrote a friend a letter and mailed it!