Wednesday, December 25, 2019

December 2019 Part 2 - Winter Wonderland at School, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and more!!!!

12-19-19 Instead of a 5th grade party, we had a Winter Wonderland and pajamas!  The kids rotated to all 4 rooms.  They had a paper snowball fight, decorated cookies and drank hot chocolate, made slime, and "built" a snowman as well as played winter Kahoot!!!!  Then we finished the day with a pizza lunch! It was a really fun day!
12-20-19 We had movie and board game day at school!  Then Miles came over to play for the afternoon.  Finally, Jacen and I played Pokemon on the way home from dropping Miles off at his house!
12-21-19 Star Wars at Alamo!!!! A pic with Jacen and a paper stocking he decorated after school one day!  Then we ended the day with pizza, ice cream, and game night!!!
12-22-19 My friend Laura and family were in town for a wedding, so they met us at Pie Bar to eat dessert and visit!!!!
12-23-19 The tooth fairy came!!!!  Jacen opened his gifts from Grandpa and Mimi!!!  We went to the cemetery to leave a tree at Nathan's grave.  Then we stopped at Pie Bar!!!
12-24-19 Christmas Eve - We played Hedbanz and Disney Monopoly!!! Then we went to the Candlelight Service at church.  Then it was time for Hot Chocolate and Christmas lights!  Then we hid clues for the Christmas scavenger hunts for the next morning as well as sat out cookies and milk for Santa.  We ended the evening with reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas".
12-25-19 Christmas Day - We started the morning seeing the tooth fairy came!!!  Then it was time for stockings!  I love Jacen's facial expressions!  Next it was time for the scavenger hunts to find our Christmas presents.  Jacen wanted us each to do a scavenger hunt to find our presents, so Pinterest to the rescue!!!  It was a lot of fun!!!! For Jacen's gifts we do 4 gifts.  Something you want (money), something you need (pants), something to wear (Frenship pullover), and something to read (Uncle Scrooge graphic novels).  Then we had breakfast and watched Charlie Brown Christmas!  Then we read the Christmas Story!!!!

Jacen wanted money from everyone for Christmas because he wanted a Nintendo Switch.  We figured with all the family he asked that he would end up with enough money, so we went ahead and ordered it.  That way if he did get enough money he could have it before we left on our Disney cruise.  So these next photos are of him finding the Nintendo Switch and giving Daddy the money he had gotten for it.
Then it was time for lunch while watching Elf!!!  Then during the afternoon Daddy and Jacen played the Nintendo Switch!!!  We had a great day!

December 2019 - Part 1 - Hospice of Lubbock Light Up a Life Tree, Pie Bar, Basketball, Thanskmas and more!!!!

12-3-19  Jacen writing during Mrs. LaQuey's class!
12-4-19 The annual Hospice of Lubbock Light Up a Life Tree lighting ceremony.  This is always a bittersweet event to attend.  Kyle didn't speak this year, but since he is on the board we felt it important to be there.  Then we stopped by Pie Bar on the way home for dessert!
12-5-19 Jacen won first place in 5th grade for the Bennett Science Fair and qualified for Regionals!  5th team wearing our Christmas shirts!  Then that evening I attended the FMS girls basketball games to see some former students play!!!
12-6-19 The 3rd through 5th graders went to FMS for a Christmas performance, so I got to see more former students!!!  Emoree stopped by to give me a sweet note!!!
12-7-19 Polar Express movie party at Alamo!!!  Then we went to Holly Hop Ice Cream Shoppe for some ice cream!!  Then that evening we went to Frenship High School to watch the fabulous performance of Mama Mia!!!!  I got two pics with former students who were in the play!
12-8-19 Pie Bar stop!!!!
12-10-19 Nathan's ornament came in!!!  Then we went to the Art Show at school to see Jacen's artwork and buy it!!
12-12-19 Hospice of Lubbock employee and board Christmas party!!
12-14-19 through 12-15-19 Jacen and I traveled to Goldthwaite for Thanksmas with my Dad's family!!!
12-16-19 Girls night with Holly!!!!
12-17-19 Jacen earned a limo ride to a pizza lunch for selling over 15 items for the school fundraiser!!!
12-18-19 Matching at school, so we had to take a pic!!  Jacen got picked to play one of the games at church!