Monday, June 10, 2019

May 2019 - Part 2 - Buddy Day, Awards Ceremony, Grandma came to visit and more!!!

5-20-19 Buddy Day at School!!!
5-21-19 4th grade Awards Ceremony!!!! He received a ribbon for Gear (Robotics) Participant, A/B Honor Roll, Prompt and Regular Attendance, Battle of the Books 2nd Place, UIL Chess Puzzles, January Student of the Month, Bennett Spelling Bee 2nd Place, and Class Nominated him for Best Reader!!!!
5-22-19 5th grade Joyland Trip - 4 of the 5 teammates!!!
5-23-19 5th Grade Team!!!!
My sweet class left me notes on my board!!  I will miss them!!!
Last Day of School!!!!
Grandma made it into to town and brought Jacen's birthday gift from Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Samantha, and cousin Stone.  It is an exploding Science Experiment kit, so of course Jacen wanted to get started right away!!!  Then they played with Jacen's Marble Run!  Then we watched the hail!
5-24-19 Then Friday, Mom and Jacen played with Marble Run again, more Science Experiments, then to the mall to shop and get the fries he likes, and then home to see how all the standing water from so much rain.  Then he of course wanted to open his microscope from Grandma and start using it!!!
5-25-19 Saturday afternoon was Kellyanna's birthday party at Roll Arena.  It looks like Jacen had a blast!!!  That evening Grandma and Jacen made a 3 layer chocolate cake completely from scratch!!!  Grandma taught him how to ice and decorate the cake!
5-26-19 Grandma took Jacen to Krispy Kreme before church!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

May 2019 Part 1 - Mommy Jacen Night, Mother's Day, Jacen's Birthday Party, and more!!!!

5-3-19 Mommy and Jacen Night - We built Legos and worked on a Kiwi Crate Project!!!
5-4-19 Daddy and Jacen went to see Avengers: Endgame since Jacen wasn't in town the week before when Kyle and I saw it.
Then we went to two Lemonade Stands that my students had, but I only got one picture.  Oops!
That evening we went to see Mary Poppins, Jr where one of my students and one of my former students were performing!
5-5-19 Hail Storm!!!
5-11-19 Teacher Appreciation Week was great!  I have sweet parents and kids.  Here is one example!
Movie Night!!!
5-12-19 Mother's day - Jacen writes in my book every year and picks out a picture of us.  It is so special!!!  After church, we went to Cane's for lunch.  Then for supper we had Papa John's pizza and Jacen gave me his gifts from school!
5-14-19 Jacen playing with Easton while the adults visited at Urban Dessert works!
5-16-19 I nominated Emie for a Full-Court Press to Success award!!!!
That afternoon Jacen and I stopped by Mr. Garza's retirement reception.
Then that evening I went to watch one of my former students Bobby in a play at Frenship High School!
5-17-19 Kyle brought Jacen's class Bahama Bucks to celebrate his birthday early since we will already be out of school for his real birthday!!!
Jaxon, Grandpa, and MiMi came to visit for Jacen's birthday party.  Jaxon and Jacen had a blast playing together!!!
5-18-19 Jacen decided on a Science themed party at Main Event.  It was a great choice and the kids had a blast!!! They played Laser Tag twice, Mini Glow Golf, and Bowling!!!  Then we had pizza and cookies.  Finally, they used their game cards to play games!!!
Jacen helping Jaxon ride the motorcycle so sweet!!!