Monday, July 6, 2015

Critterfest and Family Came to Visit

6/26-28/15 Grandma, Aunt Amy, Madisyn, and Blaine came to visit and to go to Critterfest with us!!!
Jacen, Madisyn, Blaine
Legacy Play Village
A little girl brought a puppy and of course Jacen wanted to pet it!
My sister Amy, Mom, and Me!
Jacen with the Masked Rider
Tiger Show
All of the Tigers laying still for the trainer!  Impressive!
The White Tiger hugging the trainer :)
Jacen's favorite part, the Bunnies!
Jacen and Madisyn watching the trains
A Lemur
Riding the elephant - Blaine, Jacen and Madisyn in front
Riding the horses
Feeding and petting the animals!
Not sure what Madisyn told him, but he seems amazed!
Hedge Hog
Holding Starfish!
Bunnies again!
Yes he is kissing the bunny
Obedience Dog Show
Jacen and a K-9 Officer after the K-9 Demonstration
Bahama Bucks after Critterfest!