Charlie and Tucker hanging out with Kyle while he helped Jen with computer stuff :)
6/8/15 - Jumping in at swim lessons and with his ribbon! 6/9/15 Day 2 of VBS - Kambree, Jacen, and Colton :)
As I was prepping a salad for dinner, Jacen decided to use part of a bell pepper as tongs to eat lots of the veggies but in this pic he was grabbing onions :)
The pics below are the food that Kyle and I take to St. Benedict's when we go serve with the rest of our group who make spaghetti. Each time we go we are humbled and blessed by our service there. If you have ever considered serving the homeless, we recommend St. Benedict's.
6/10/15 Day 3 of VBS!!
After VBS, we went to eat at Double Dave's with Daddy, Mommy, Jacen and Kambree :)
Then Jacen and Kambree played all afternoon :)
They asked to go on a walk with the dog and the bike :)
We stopped to see the animals in our neighborhood :)
That evening, we met up with Kambree's family for the VBS celebration :)
6/11/15 Swim Lessons, but I didn't get any pics of the actual lessons. These are pics of him playing afterwards :)
Swinging :)
6/12/15 Swim Lessons!!!
And playing afterwards :)
6/13/15 Water Rampage!! Jacen was invited to a birthday party, so Mommy and Jacen went and had a great time!
Making the water pour out above his head. His expression is priceless :)
I think by the end he managed to pull all 3 ropes at the same time to make lots of water flow!!!