Saturday, September 20, 2014

More September Pics

Another of Jacen's creations while I was getting my allergy shots :)
Jacen's drawing on my board in my classroom.  He asked that I leave it up, so the kids had interesting questions about what was on my board :)
According to Jacen this is what the picture is (from left to right): Circle Rounder, People Megaship that flies, Crusher, Bounder Mouch Pow
Jacen has his desk rearranged with an old desk phone and laptop and is pretending to talk and work :)
Family Morning at Science Spectrum!!!!
Jacen in front of the Space Bubble exhibit where we got to see stars, constellations, and the night sky!! 
Mommy and Jacen
Jacen feeding his favorite puppies!!
Jacen and Daddy experimenting :)
According to Jacen he made an AB pattern with the yellow and green :)
Mommy creating bubbles while Jacen popped them with his face.  Not sure why?????
Cute boy :)
Deep in thought!!!!
Playing the keys with his favorite puppies :)
Sound Waves!
Jumping on the wet trampoline :)
Another creation while I got my allergy shots :)
I went over to Jacen's classroom to ask Mrs. Dowgar a question, so I took the opportunity to take some pics!
Jacen in front of their Brown and Red posters.  They bring things from  home that are the color for the week and put them on the poster :)
I think this must have been cutting out his name, putting it in order, and practicing his c.
Family Fun Night in the Rain!!!
Pizza and Dr. Pepper on the porch :)
Swinging, Sliding, and Jumping!
Helping Daddy sweep grass :)
Silly face :)
He decided the broom was his horse :)

Monday, September 8, 2014

First Week of September

We spent our Labor Day Holiday morning at Science Spectrum as a family :)
Jacen found a new puppy in the Vet area and carried it with him for a while!!
Holding a puppy, with a Vet coat, and playing musical instruments :)
Water Table!
Looking at one of the optical illusions
Jacen's creation while I got my allergy shots :)
Grandma came for her monthly visit!!!
First stop Science Spectrum after picking him up from School!
Lego Tower with the same puppy from Monday :)
Next stop ChuckECheese with Grandma
He made a friend named Jason :)
Jacen is in the middle!
First stop with Grandma, breakfast at McDonald's.
Then back to Science Spectrum where he saw his new friend Jason again!
Next stop, Briley and Avery's birthday party :)
Then back to Science Spectrum!
Action Shot - Great Job Grandma!!
Final stop, Holly Hop Ice Cream Shoppe to eat supper and of course ice cream!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

First Week of School

Playing Legos
NFL Fantasy Football Draft
Scott and Kyle being silly :)
Jacen, Katelyn and Ginny swimming :)
Jacen with his Sunday School Teacher, Rusti 
He loves Rusti!  She taught him last fall as well!!!!
Jacen's first day of Kindergarten!!!
Jacen's first day of Kindergarten and Mommy's first day teaching 5th grade!!!!
With his teacher, Mrs. Dowgar :)
Jacen's drawing on my whiteboard :)
Jacen's Lego creation that he created while I got my allergy shots
Daddy got Jacen Legos for a first day of school present, but they didn't get to put it together until the 2nd day :)
Kaleb and Jacen hanging out with Kyle while Mommy was at Girl's Night :)
Jacen and Mommy built Legos
Jacen and Daddy spent the morning at Alamo Drafthouse at a Cereal Party :)