Thursday, August 1, 2013

Random July Pics - Part 2

7-23-13 Feeding Ducks and Playing at the Park! We had a great morning :)
Pointing at something!
Hanging from the bar!
Sliding :)
Climbing high!
Anything can be turned into a pretend car!
He loves to swing!
7-23-13 Daddy swinging him after work that same day :)  I love his face!!!!
7-24-13 "Cleaning"  His cousin Madisyn showed him how to put real water into his mop bucket.  Oh so messy!
7-25-13 Mommy and Jacen time at Science Spectrum!
Daddy gave him an old iPod and he brought it with us.  Maybe he is checking out what news to report?
Vet Clinic!
Bubble Wall
7-27-13 We went to Katelyn and Ginny's house for Ginny's birthday :)  He had a blast!
7-27-13 Playing with Lincoln Logs and other random toys.  He likes for me to build it, so he can play with it.  Silly boy!
7-29-13 Jacen loves to get my camera and take pictures.  I thought for my memories, I would post one that he took :)
7-30-13 We had a playdate with Brylen before they moved :(  I forgot to take any pics.  Jacen took this one of Brylen :)
7-30-13 Playing with his Minion toys from McDonald's :)
7-31-13 We played kitchen in the living room.  He wanted plenty of room and it to not be against the wall in his bedroom :) 
7-31-13 Swinging again!!!  He loves it!
7-31-13 Cars outside!!!
7-31-13 Watering the tree :)
7-31- 13 He noticed the words on the water hose.  We spelled them and sounded them out while he twisted it and tried all the different settings :) 
7-31-13 Playing power tools in his bed :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Random July Pics - Part 1

7-2-13 Daddy reading "Oh the Places you Will Go" to Jacen
7-3-13 Trains
7-4-13 Rainbow!!
7-4-13 He is like his daddy!!  He sorted the candy before he ate any of it!
7-5-13 Jacen got a desk from birthday money from Grandpa, MiMi, Aunt Laci and Uncle EJ, and Granny Sue.  He loves it!
7-6-13 Jacen was playing with Patches and giving him toys :)
7-6-13 We went as a family to see Despicable Me 2.  It was hilarious!!
7-7-13 Playing golf :)
7-10-13 We completed his Reading Log for the library, so he got a bag full of toys and gift certificates!!!!
Pink toys from the library LOL :)
Throwing a boomerang :)
7-10-13 Jacen and I went to the $1 Movie to see Horton Hears a Who :)
7-14-13 Patches on Jacen's bed pouting because Jacen and I were out of town :(
7-18-13 Making footprints from the rain water :)  Jacen's are on the left and mine are on the right.
7-19-13 We met Briley, Avery, and Elizabeth at Legacy Park to play :)
(Shirts: Briley - orange, Avery - gray, Jacen - black)
Jacen laughing :)
7-20-13 Jacen went to Jayden's FireTruck birthday party and had a lot of fun!
Jacen and Jayden
7-20-13 Playing with the refrigerator magnets :)
7-21-13 Playing in his little kid tent :)