Saturday, June 21, 2014

Fossil Rim

June 4th - Grandma, Aunt Sam, Jacen and I went to Fossil Rim.  We had a great day!!!!
Getting a Fossil Rim smashed penny :)
Jacen feeding the animals
Grandma feeding the animals :)
Petting Zoo!
One of the workers let Jacen brush the goat :)
Picnic Lunch :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Jacen's Goldthwaite Birthday Party

We had a birthday party for Jacen while we visited Goldthwaite.  It was great to see everyone!  Thanks for coming!!!!
Jacen opening his present from Grandma early :)
Birthday Cake Grandma made!
Thanks, Mom!!!
After "blowing out" the candles that wouldn't stay lit.
Aunt Amy swinging Blaine and Jacen
Ice from the cooler is fun to play in, eat, and throw!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Trip to Goldthwaite

June 2nd through 6th - Jacen and I spent our first week of vacation visiting family in Goldthwaite. :)
Madisyn, Westin, Blaine and Jacen
Jacen and Grandma
Jacen and Aunt Sam
Cousins Playing
Swimming at PawPaw and MeMe's pool :)
Opening Christmas presents.  We haven't been to Goldthwaite in a while. Oops!
Being a tunnel for the train
Vet outfit
The boy cousins horseplaying :)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

May Pics

May 17, 2004 - After Jacen's TOT performance, Grandma, Mommy, Daddy and Jacen ate at Steak 'n' Shake :)
Then we stopped by the Children's Memorial Garden at LCU so Grandma could see Nathan's rock.
May 24, 2014 - Jacen and Daddy went to Alamo Drafthouse for Cereal and Cartoons :)
Mommy was with Aunt Amy, Aunt Sam, and Grandma for a girls weekend :)
5-27-14 Texas Tech brought Google Glass by our campus the week before school was out for us to try them out to see if they would be useful in a classroom :)
5-29-14 Jacen showing me their garden at school where they have strawberries and tomatoes!!
Then showing me that he is a monkey :)
5-30-14 Last day of school!!!
Playing outside Target after school :)
5-31-14 Showing off his Castle that he built!!!