Saturday, August 23, 2014

Last Two Weeks Before School Starts

8/13/14  The first week of in-service at Frenship ISD was lots of fun.  We had meetings at Central Office for math, time to work in our rooms, meetings at our campus,  a Group Selfie Scavenger Hunt to get our iPad minis that included us running through Central Office to take a pic with the Superintendent's secretary, and invading Best Buy :)
8/15/14 Frenship Elementary Employees Night at Lubbock Water Rampage.  Mr. Garza cooked some awesome hotdogs and we had fun in the water.  Emerson and Jacen playing :)
The Lazy River which was their favorite part.  I went in too and even went down a water slide, but there were no pics of me in the water.
Michelle and I :)
8/16/14 We volunteered one more time at St. Mark's Baptist Church and helped serve food.  Jacen got to go with us this time :)  One of the pastors there had a birthday as well!
8/20/14 Kyle received a Peyton Manning signed helmet from Wiley and Janelle for helping them sell their house since they had to move before they were able to put their house on the market.   Kyle was excited!!!
8/21/14 Next to the last day at Ripley's.  Also, that night we had meet the teacher night at Bennett where he met his teacher Mrs. Aimee Dowgar and her student teacher.  Jacen said they were really nice, and he is excited to go to Kindergarten.  Mommy fail, I was in my room meeting lots of fabulous Bennett 5th graders, so I forgot to tell Kyle to take pics.  Oops :(
8/21/14 Our faculty took our group pic at Lubbock Water Rampage by the new kid part with the ship because our theme this year is Sailing to Success.  We snapped a pic of  our awesome 5th grade team afterwards.  Mrs. Cooley, Mr. Garza, Mrs. Crume, Me, and Mrs. Allison.  I promised I wouldn't post the pic on Facebook, so I posted in on the blog instead :)

8/22/14 Pics from his last day at Ripley Do-Da's.  We have been so impressed who the whole staff.  They are wonderful people, and he had a great experience with teacher, friends, fun, and learning.  We will miss everyone there!!!!!
Jacen and Ms. Mary
Ms. Jena and Jacen
Jacen with their class garden that has tomatoes and strawberries.
At the playground
Jacen with Ms. Angela the director
Jacen with Ms. Riesha the assistant director
8/22/14 When we went got home Jacen had a package from Hailey.  She bought him a Batman backpack for Kindergarten, Lego movie labels for his school supplies, two Kindergarten books, and a letter from her.  We love Hailey!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Summer Break Week 10

8-4-14  One of the items in Jacen's bag from the library was a bouncy ball with streamers.  He loves it and was jumping around with it!!  Sorry the pic is kind of blurry :(

He told us he was creating a an obstacle course with his toys :)
8-5-14 While going to the Day's house to pick up a gift from Shaylie that she bought Jacen in Africa, Shaylie and Jacen played swords :)  I forgot to take a pic of her giving him the gift.  Oops!  Thanks Shaylie!!!
8-6-14 Lunch date at Canes with Laura and Jessica :)
8-7-14  There are not many pics this week because I had training Monday and the rest of the week was spent running errands and working in my classroom.  Jacen of course made himself at home at Bennett.  He couldn't find me, so he made a friend and was hanging out with them all over the school.  He even turned his transfer paper into the office all by himself.  In addtion, he made friends with the PPCD teacher's kids and spent a couple of hours in her room.  I didn't really take any pics of him while we were there.  Oops!  Here are classroom pics though :)  Thanks Lisa Day for your help!  You are awesome!!!
8-9-14 Grandma came to his rescue :)   She spent the weekend with us, so Kyle and I could volunteer for Foster Parent Night Out and have a date the next day :)
Science Spectrum with Grandma!!!
He of course made a friend!
And Chuck E Cheese :)
Where he also made a friend!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Summer Break Week 9

This picture is actually from Grief Camp, but I wanted to include it anyways.  
He loved holding the rabbits!!!
7-27-14  Instead of movie night, we decided to have game night!!  He told me when I bought the game that it was a girlie game, but he likes it now :)
7-28-14  Jacen building while waiting on my allergy shot :)
7-31-14 Jacen putting his name up at the Library for completing his 18 books :)
 Next, we went to Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast!
Then we met April and Kaleb at Science Spectrum for a fun morning!
 He was able to make the hot air balloon rise, and he thought it was fabulous!
 Kaleb and Jacen looking at a turtle.
 Jacen looking at the snakes!
 Jacen has to show anyone that we go to the Science Spectrum with that they have Nemo and Dory!
 Cute boys :)
That afternoon, Jacen and I went to the library for Pop, Fizz, Boom presented by the Science Spectrum!!!  Jacen didn't get to volunteer this time, and I forgot to take any pics of the inside experiments.  Oops!  It was really cool!!!
 8-01-14 Daddy took him to the library to pick up his Goody Bag for reading 18 books this summer!!!!