Sunday, October 6, 2024

September 2024 - Part 2 - Cheer, Football, Cheer, Life Skills Game Day and more!

9-19-24 Cheering at the JV Football Game!  The littles from cheer camp this summer got to cheer too!
9-20-24 Varsity football versus Lubbock Cooper!

9-21-24 Family time - Yum Box!!!
9-26-24 Cheerleaders and bell crew volunteering for the Elementary and Middle School Life Skills Game Day! From their cheer sponsor and high school special ed teacher, "The impact they had on these kiddos is more than you can ever know.  The tiny things matter in their worlds.  The cheer team and some bell crew laughed, played, entertained, interacted, chased, loved and cared for these kiddos and it was so amazing to watch."  
9-26-24 Cheering at another JV football game!  Grandma came to watch!
9-27-24 Jacen and Grandma hanging out and playing SkipBo; the laughter and fun I got to hear made my heart happy!
9-28-24 Mom and I hanging out at Ninety-Two Bakery before she left town!
9-29-24 Jacen and theatre friends hanging out at Golf Suites in Lubbock :) 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 2024 - Part 1 - First Pep Rally, First Game to Cheer at, Learning to Drive, and More!

9-1-24 Family Pizza and Skip Bo Night!
9-3-24 Painting signs!
9-6-24 First pep rally day!  But first a pic with Mom, greeting students at Upland Heights elementary where he got to hug his former piano teacher and be on the Upland Heights news!
Friday Night Lights - first home football game!
9-7-24 Lunch date!
9-12-24 JV Cheerleaders cheering at the JV football games!
9-14-24 8th grade volleyball games at FMS!
Jacen learning to drive!